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Sponsored by: Island Synagogue

Kiddush Information

Sponsoring an Island Synagogue Kiddush

Thanks to you and other dedicated and generous sponsors, Island Synagogue is pleased to offer a sit-down kiddush every Shabbat. We encourage everyone to attend and enjoy Rabbi Kornfeld’s Divrei Torah as well as the opportunity to socialize with fellow congregants and visitors.
NEW: There is now an option for a partial sponsorship, minimum $100. The amount you contribute will not be publicized. You will get a "Partial Sponsor" mention on the Kiddush calendar and newsletter.

Kiddush Date Selection:

Check the Kiddush Calendar and click "Register Now" for an open date, then fill out and submit the registration form. Please contact office@islandsynagogue.org if your plans change.

Note: The Sunday prior to the Kiddush date is the deadline to sponsor any Kiddush other than our standard Mezonos. We will be pleased to recognize your generosity in our Newsletter if you enter your dedication info in the Kiddush order form. If you have any questions email office@islandsynagogue.org.

Sponsorship Options:

Island Synagogue offers these options to sponsor a Kiddush:

Option 1:

Standard Menus (all 4 detailed menus can be seen below this section and All 4 Deluxe Kiddush options are "washing" kiddushes with Challah.


#1 Mezonos Basic - $330

#2 Mezonos Baked Salmon - $575

#3 Mezonos Baked Chicken - $550

#4 Mezonos Sushi Kiddush - $750

#5 Bagels & Smoked Salmon $500 - Upgrade available, see below.

#6 Deluxe Baked Salmon and Sushi -  $850 

#7 Deluxe Baked Chicken and Salmon Kiddush - $800

#8 Deluxe Deli Meat - $750

#9 Deluxe Deli Meat & Sushi Deluxe - $1050

Sushi - $100 per tray

Challah (per 60 rolls) - $75

Einstein Bagels upgrade - $100

All food is sourced from QFC/Seattle Kosher/Costco

Option 2: Custom/Event Kiddush: Select Custom Kiddush on the registration form and contact eventcoordinator@islandsynagogue.org to plan your event Kiddush. You select your own Island Synagogue-approved caterer and foods, which you pay for separately. $300 Synagogue costs include: 1 kitchen staff, disposable goods for up to 90 people, and linens for our standard setup.

Baked goods must be Pas Yisroel and dairy Kiddushim must be Cholov Yisroel; all food items must have a Vaad-approved hechsher.

Option 3: Kiddush Fund: Contribute toward the Kiddush Fund and join others to sponsor the Kiddush program generally. Use the Donations form and select "Kiddush Fund" under the "fund" drop down box.

If you anticipate a larger-than-usual crowd for your sponsored Kiddush, please contact Event Coordinator in advance so that we can plan to accommodate additional diners.

Please contact the Event Coordinator with any questions, special requests, etc.

Mon, March 31 2025 2 Nisan 5785